
如何減少MKV 檔的大小- HandBrake

分頁右方的影片品質選Constant Quality,調整RF 值來控制檔案大小,RF ... Keyframe 間隔設定:在More Settings 輸入keyint=36,數字代表影格數。

HandBrake Documentation — Constant Quality vs Average Bit Rate

Constant quality mode does the opposite; you specify a quality level and HandBrake adjusts the bitrate (that is, the size) to meet it.

Constant Quality vs Average Bit Rate

Constant quality mode does the opposite; you specify a quality level and HandBrake adjusts the bitrate (that is, the size) to meet it.

HandBrake Documentation — Adjusting quality

On the Video tab, increase video quality by adjusting the control toward the right, and reduce video quality by adjusting the control toward the left.


Constant Framerate 就是固定FPS 值來壓縮轉檔,相容性會提高,但是有可能檔案會偏大。 如果來源影片本身是高畫質,轉檔時可調低FPS,試試Youtube 推薦的輸出 ...

只要HandBrake 使用NVEnc,檔案大小就會是兩倍以上,哪裡錯了?

我也是習慣用Handbrake (Constant Quality)轉檔,之前也是為了節省時間而用NVEnc, ... 若NVEnc 轉,個人目前設定CQ=27,品質可看出有損但還能無視與接受,檔案大小大 ...

HEVC Constant Quality Settings - How Do YOU Pick?

I use some unusual settings, but in choosing a constant quality setting I use the Preview feature, try to pick a more difficult section (that's ...

What is Handbrake's 'constant quality fractional granularity' setting in ...

I recently found in Tools-Preferences-Advanced the 'constant qualiy fractional granularity' setting, which is set at '1'. What does this setting ...

